Journal Website

Custom Journal Website Development(Single / Multi-Journal)

We offer fully customized Journal Website Development service based on the client's requirements and their business goals. We have Single Journal Website and MultiJournal website with Journal Managment Features. We provide Journal Website design and development including Journal logo, Banner, Journal website upgradation according to PubMed, Cureus Style, using of latest Technology. Online Payment Gateway Online Payment Gateway Integration , We have highly skilled and experienced team members for design and development.

Open Journal System
Mutijournal System Website
Open Journal System
Single Journal System Webiste

Journal Website Development Service/Features/Plugins and many more:-

We are providing a number of features for Journal website with (Manuscript Submition and Tracking, Multi-Journal Submission):-

Admin Panel

Profile, Dashboard, Manage Users, Manage Articles, Complete journal/web site management and publishing system, Editor-operated journal management and publishing system.

Reviewer Panel

Registration, Login, Reviewer accesses the manuscripts and review, Submit review score back to admin, User-friendly review forms for a reviewer to review the manuscripts, Can give feedback

Article Submission, Author Login, Registration

Submission Wizard (Steps) Article Type, Title, Multiple Authors, Disclosures, Article, References, Reviewers, Summary, Submit, Article Draft View etc.


Other Features:-

Visitor counter, Number of users online, Worldwide visitors

QR Code Access Unique QR Code for each Journal

Online Payment Gateway Online Payment Gateway Integration

Google Analytics

Indexed in Publication Statistics

Articles Statistic


E-mail Alerts

Journal Subscribes Alerts

Most viewed articles

Search Articles

Most downloaded articles

News Scroll

Manuscript Statistics, Track Manuscript

Sitemap: Complete Sitemap Submited



RSS feed

Social Network Linking Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, others